Friendship, Love and Revenge

Friendship, Love and Revenge

This is the story of a boy whose name is Rajveer,born on 24 Nov 1987, somewhere in the eastern sector of Nepal. This is the story of the boy who falls in love with a girl at the age of 19.This is the story of boy who loves his friends more than his life. This is the story of a boy who thinks that without friends,its difficult to live this life. According to him “Family relation are given by god to us by birth and ‘Friendship’ is the relation made by our heart and it’s only heart that can feel and understand what is the real meaning of friendship.Anyone in this world who thinks that ‘friendship’ is just a relation which is made by the time and circumstances then probably he/she is cold by his /her heart." This is the story of a boy who  leaves his country to live his dream.

In Some pages of diary of Rajveer

Before Rajveer leaves country.(Date20th  April 2006-9th Jan 2007)

Before I left this country many things happened in my life. This is the time when I was  in Kathmandu preparing for higher studies in the institute called “Entrance time”,with my frens (Deven,Miraj,Rojan,Suraj,Yugendra and Bhawesh).

I and Deven were best friends from our childhood.I was equally friends with Miraj, Rojan,Suraj, Yugendra, Bhawesh. Infact it was I and Miraj who bonded very well during Kathmandu season. Deven loved only one thing in life and that was a gal whose name was Sawariya. Sawariya was aware of his love but maybe she was searching gold in the mountains, though she had diamond in her pocket.hahaha.Now lets talk about Rajveer. Rajveer feel in love in love in Kathmandu with a girl whose name  was “Angelina”. She was from maitidevi, Kathmandu.I really had no idea and didn’t knew if it was love or infatuation but I just can say that was the most beautiful part of my life. My love was repeatedly crossing those limits and it was something I wanted to live in this life before my death. I never used sleep whole night.Some of my fren used to say that I should reveal my feelings to her and some of them used to say that I should hide.I was really in great confusion at that time. My future was at stake, so, I decided that I should reveal all those feelings in front of her. Yugendra was in full support of me. Then I decided to write a letter but I didn’t know what to write but after sometime I wrote letter thinking that everything life happens for the first time, this is the real life, and accordingly I wrote letter. I gave letter to her but indirectly through her friend,Rogina.Rogina was her best friend. By the time Rogina gave letter to Angelina I had left the class and gone to my flat.i was in favour of giving one whole night to her to  think about me.

Then another fresh day, july16, 2006, it was Deciding day. What was going to happen no one knew. Was she going to accept the proposal or was she going to reject. My frens and I were very eager to know what would be her decision. I was very serious becoz I knew that my happiness or lineless was attached with her just one decision. Finally after the class got over I followed her like her shadow but she didn’t stop.I was very afraid and my heart was skipping many beats. Finally I whispered her name but she didn’t listen. So I thought to call her but this time with loud voice. And indeed it worked but In serious way.Ya,when I shouted her name along with her few other people also heard and they were eagerly waiting for the climax.She stopped and came 2 step back.This was the moment which I shall never ever forget in my life.For the first time in my life was so close to her.I saw her big eyes,few hairs were on her forehead,she was smiling but with confidence.I was not sure what should i say and what not..But after few second I told her “Angelina,do you know I love you(in nepali language). I still remember while telling the sentence,I love you,I was in front her but looking little bit back.She just replied “ok”with little surprise and then again I said what do u think then? She replied “Rajveer, don’t talk these things,I don’t love you”…This sentence changed all the picture of my life.Slowly I started getting angry with god.I even told few bad words to god..

And dat was the day and today is the day, I still don’t believe in god. Every time I pray god I use unhealthy words against god. May be it was written in destiny and I couldn’t accept.

Nothing was going well and I was in a great confusion about what should I choose as a career. My friends used to say I should not go for commerce but it was me who had a dream to do MBA from reputed institute.I had no idea what should I choose as a career. Finally I thought to leave Nepal and go Bangalore to do Bachelor of commerce. It was the greatest and riskiest decision because MBA was something very difficult to do from a good institute. I went to Bangalore because i was prepared to accept both the life .i.e. life after doing MBA from good institute and life after doing MBA from average institute.

After 5 yrs(Compiler:No any incident is written about what happened in Bangalore,we just found incident after what had happened in Rajveer life after doing MBA)


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